
Monday, August 26, 2024

T Stands For Still No Comments


If you were one of the dozen or so people I was able to visit last week, consider yourselves lucky.  When I started being able to publish my comments, instead of leaving one comment and moving on, I tried to play catch up.  As things were going great, all of a sudden I once again got that infuriating "Failed to Publish, try again later."  I tried all the way until Friday when I finally gave up.  If you haven't heard from me, it wasn't because I didn't visit, it was because I couldn't leave a comment.  I still can't as of 3:50 my time today.

For T Tuesday we are meeting at my house.  

Today I am in my dining room celebrating T Tuesday with my latest PBS Kansas mug.  I now have two of them.  It is sitting on the lovely mug rug I received several years ago from Elle (Empire of the Cat or EOTC).

I'm drinking ice water to which I have added two wedges of lemon.  I love how the mug rug colors compliment the color of the mug.

That's all for me today.  I hope those of you like me who are under a heat dome (again) find a way to keep cool, those of you who are battling (or are subjected to) wildfires find a way to breathe safely, and those of you who are still being devastated by flooding are on high ground.

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit (even if we can't leave comments) as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.


I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd.   The rules are quite simple.  You can use any post, any length, any genre, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.




  1. Sorry to hear that the situation is still so troublesome. I had very slow internet on the ship all week, and the activity level was around 10 times my normal, so I too left no comments whatsoever. Now I’ll be back to my usual internet self as soon as I recover from a red-eye flight from Ecuador to Detroit via Atlanta!
    Good luck with the computer. Have you considered trying one of the available computers in your local library to see if there’s something strange going on with your ID?
    best, mae at

  2. Sigh about the comment malarky. I love your rug mug.

  3. Glad you are here! Aloha sweetie

  4. It's so frustrating. Is it because you use a different operating system than the rest of us? I use iOs, but I have an old laptop that has Windows just in case I have any problems, but I haven't had to resort to that for a few years now. I'm very happy with the system (now that I'm used to it, which took a while I must admit).
    I have an identical mug rug from Elle and I use it daily.
    Happy T-Day,

  5. Your mug is fab and ice water with the lemons sounds very refreshing 😊. I hope your commenting problems are fixed soon, it must be very frustrating. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. That's exciting to have a new mug. It does look quite nice on the coaster that Elle made. And you must be frustrated beyond frustrated that you can't leave comments, except for the few. And I am lucky to get one I guess. :) Have a great T day. hugs-Erika
    ps-just checking also to be sure you got my message today.

  7. So frustrating about the comments.
    Cute mug and coaster combo. :)

  8. I'm sorry you're still having commenting difficulties and wish I could help 😒

    I need to remember to buy lemons this week. It's been a while...

  9. It is frustrating. Since last Thursday my private internet connection throws up. My work-PC is OK. My admin today wants to secretly solve the private problem.
    Hope blogger is kind to you again soon again!.
    Nice mug and ohhh, I still have half a lemon in the fridge.
    Please don´t be frustrated but have a happy T-Day...

  10. Dear Elizabeth, how sad that you still have problems with posting comments! I hope a solution can be found... I'll send you my best wishes in any case. The cup on the chic coaster looks really good. Happy T-Day!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  11. Nevertheless happy T-day dear Elizabeth. It´s really a pitty that you are not able to post a comment. I too don´t have a sollution. Nice cup of lemon-water.
    All the best

  12. most of my comments end up in spam…on a lot of blogs
    must be how …we speek heer in de land oh trout 😺🐟‼️πŸ’™

  13. A Mug Rug! what a good idea...I have the usuall whatnots you put your mugs on, but a 'rug' does sound so much more 'homely'! Happy T day, sorry I'm soooo late!

  14. It’s so frustrating when Blogger doesn’t play nice. The coaster is very pretty and suits your cup. I hope there’s some cool relief soon


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.