
Monday, July 22, 2024

T Stands For Birthday Tea


 Today we are meeting for T in my dining room.

You saw the flowers and cupcake my No Name friends gave me on my birthday, as well as the following day when foodie friend Sally took me to Golden Corral for carrot cake.  However, I have failed to show what I bought for ME!!

First, this is my "ticket" to the party, a tea bag of Greek tea gifted me by Mia.

As much as I love chocolate, I was in a mood for cinnamon and that's what I bought.  Not only is it filled with cinnamon, but also has a topping of cream cheese frosting.

I hope you can see I've already started to drink the tea, and it's obvious the cupcake is now a mere memory. 
By now you probably know the "rules," but in case you don't, please show something drink related. It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, tea cups, coffee mugs, a tea or coffee service, postcards, books, magazines, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.
Before I forget, I want to thank those of you who celebrated our 11th anniversary last week.  It meant the world to me.





  1. Yummy dessert! I do have a weakness for good pastries.
    Happy T day my friend.

  2. It been ages since I been in golden corral.

  3. I’m also a lover of cinnamon rolls! Your choice looks delicious.
    My post today includes two drink references: a wall of mugs and a glass of beer — two different photos.
    best, mae at

  4. Cinnamon is a real comfort scent and taste for me. Excellent choice.

  5. Ha, today I'm an early bird! :-DD
    Your cupcake looks delicious, dear Elizabeth, I would have loved to share it with you ;-) I hope you enjoyed your tea too!

    All the best and have a nice week, Traude

  6. ...I've had many cupcakes that are a mere memory, except for my waist!

  7. I love cinnamon cake. I would have oved to hhave a bite of that cup cake, but it was gone in a blink of an eye!
    Happy T-Day,

  8. I like your choice :)

    All the best Jan

  9. The cupcake looks yummy, and since I just finished dinner, it would taste yummy now. Dinner wasn't very exciting either, just some scrambled eggs. Grin. And how was the Greek tea? Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

  10. Happy T Day! What a lovely setting. That looks tasty 😊

  11. Not much into sweets, but cinnamon, hmmm, yum. Happy T-Day+1, dear Elizabeth!

  12. Oh my. The cupcake looks delicious!
    Happy T day!
    And Thank you for hosting,

  13. Looks like one of the ultimate comfort foods! Yum! :)

  14. You can't go wrong with cinnamon and cream cheese frosting - so yummy! Add chocolate to that and it must have been so delicious ☺️. Glad you treated yourself to a birthday tea - perfect! Happy T Tuesday wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Looks good, dear Elizabeth, and I hope it tasted so.
    Have a good time and happy T-day

  16. That cupcake looks delicious. I can almost smell the cinnamon. Happy T Day

  17. Happy Birthday and Tday Elizabeth... The cup cake looked delicious! I wonder what Greek tea tastes like? Hugs! deb

  18. bleu N squiggles eye hope ewe got two sell a brate witha fish cake ore 75💙😺‼️🐟

  19. Oh my goodness that cakes looks, I mean looked, soooo yummy! I hope you've had a fabulous birthday! I'm affriad my tea is just Tesco's own decaf, but it tastes so much better out of a cup instead of a mug! Probably why the tea in the mug has gone cold. and I'm slowly getting used to NOT having sugar. Happy T day! ((Lyn))

  20. That cake looks deliciously decadent, and now I need something to nibble before I go to bed, but I have neither cae nor chocolate! Hugs, Valerie

  21. Thank you for the remnder that I'd forgotten to link! (forget my head if it wasn't screwed on! Yes, that was a cat on my cold tea mug.. yes I did the hedge and the lawns but I forgot to mention that they aren't very big! just going to make a nice big mug of hot chocolate now! sending hugs for a happy week! ((Lyn))

  22. I'm not a chocolate fan but give me a cinnamon treat any day and I'm a happy camper! YUM! And thanks for coming over -- I so appreciate your visits!

  23. Cinnamon is the bomb. Trumps chocolate for me any day....


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