
Monday, April 1, 2024

T stands for bunnies, cats, gnomes, and teachers


If your T Tuesday post is the same as your Second on the 2nd, please share it both places.  The Second on the 2nd post will publish at midnight on the 2nd. 

I have been trying to visit all the lovely people who visited me for T last Tuesday.  However, if your comments are embedded and I get a "Failed to Publish," I will try twice, then I will not return to visit again.  I know some of you like embedded comments because it is the only option available where you can return or leave your own comment.

I gave you a sneak peek of some bunny and Easter mugs awhile back.  I was surprised that Lyn (Spyder) had noticed the bunny gnome mugs and even more surprised when I saw I had actually taken at least a partial photo of them.

Note the caffeine mug below.  You will see it again.

I really want to go on another Easter Egg hunt one of these years.

After taking my foodie friend Sally to lunch on her birthday (March 28), I stopped by The Spice Merchant for my "free" monthly pound of coffee.

Gone were the bunnies and in their place were mugs for teachers.

I know several of you are teachers, so I thought you might appreciate these.

I run on caffeine and chaos, but I try really hard to not say cuss words (and NEVER the F word, EVER).

I thought of CJ and Elle (Empire of the Cat) when I passed these mugs.  Enjoy, ladies!

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.  I sincerely hope to do the same!



  1. ...hop to it, happy April.

  2. Your go-to kitchen store has obviously done it again with the holiday mugs and mugs for all occasions.
    best, mae at

  3. A lovely post.
    What an amazing selection of mugs.

    Wishing you a happy new month of April.

    All the best Jan

  4. Wow! There are some amazing Easter items there. I am not surprised. They seem to carry excellent things. I do like the black cats on the red. Very nice. Thank you for hosting the party and have a nice day.

  5. That's quite the collection of Easter mugs. The bunnies are cute. Happy T day!

  6. They have some fabulous mugs at The Spice Market. All the spring and Easter ones are amazing. Some of them are very very cute. I also liked the blue mugs with printer interiors. They look like they'd be great tea cups, especially on a sunny warm morning. Those red mugs with the black kitties are very classy too. I hope you had a super start to April, Happy T day. hugs-Erika

  7. Happy Tea Party in April. The sun is out, daylight is getting longer. I enjoyed looking at all the mugs.

  8. Mugs for teachers I never saw here - what a great idea!!!
    And the cats!
    To Summer time, long, warm days, happy T-Day :-)

  9. Fun mugs - and a fine tribute to teachers.

  10. Beautiful mugs, especially the red cat-mugs are very classy.
    I had to smile at all the bunny/easter mugs. We don't have those in this part of Spain because Easter is celebrated differently. It is purely a religious festival. Not an egg or a bunny in sight. We have Lidl, a German supermarket and they sell little chocolate eggs. That is about it. I'm sure in the big cities they will be a bit more international.
    Embedded? What is that? I will look it up and see if I can do anything about that.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. I don't think I would ever tire of poking around the Spice Merchant. They have so many nice things especially those black cat mugs. Thanks for thinking about me and Happy T Day

  12. One again- nice mugs at your favorite store. I hope your problems with commenting will have an end soon.
    Have a good time and all the

  13. Sorry! I forgot to link this time! I love all those mugs, especially those gnome bunny ones! So cute! And those lovely coloured set of cat china. super!! Have a great week! Happy T Day! ((Lyn))

  14. Those bunny mugs are darling. I always like the ihg napkin line.


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.