
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday wonders: four legged friends

Bleubeard and Squiggles' good friends, the Trout Talking Tabbies inspired this post.  As their caregiver, I say that because tomorrow is Remember Me Thursday, where we are asked to remember to rescue and adopt our four legged friends.  Whether you are a cat, dog, pig, or other pet lover, remember how many of these beautiful animals are put to sleep (a polite way of saying euthanized) long before they find a forever home.  And if your situation doesn't permit animals/pets, please do your part by giving generously to non-kill rescue shelters.

Let's hope all those animals above are loved and cared for.  Maybe these below have found their forever homes:

Thanks for joining me today as I find inspiration for Wednesday wonders from visiting blogs I admire.  All photos are from Pexels, but all my ideas and inspiration for these posts come from you, my loyal friends, followers, and readers.


  1. I know I just had an afternoon nap, but I'm wondering how it's Wednesday already. Lovely photos. All of our animals were rescue ones, and the best pets anyone could wish for. Hugs Valerie

  2. I always love looking at pics of animals, and am always saddened by those who get pets, then abandon or mistreat them. Thanks so much for the reminder to help those in shelters that need forever homes.. Hugs...and Happy Wednesday! RO

  3. Before Ink, we had adopted a kitten, Mitty, from a shelter. He was a charcoal grey tuxedo. More dog than cat. Always came when his name was called. He was very loving. I think he was just happy to be out of the shelter. He would come up behind me if I was at the sink, stretch his paws up to the back pocket of my jeans to ask for a cuddle. Thanks for sparking my happy memory

  4. These are fabulous shots you used today. They have me thinking about all my different shelter pets. Both of the dogs now, Maddie and Pete, came up on vans from the south because it seems we have more people her in northern New England wanting dogs than dogs that are available. They escaped the no kill shelter and live in the lap of doggie luxury now. The cats and our other dogs have come from local no kill shelters also. I am with you in supporting them! Have a wonderful Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

  5. lovely photos-I so hope they all find good forever homes

  6. No pets here...too many allergies, though fond memories of growing up with dogs. My parents rescued many a dog, and I am well aware of the love our pets can give. Cheers.

  7. Oh Elizabeth this post has really pulled at my heart strings. Darling cats and dogs photos. It makes me so sad to read about unwanted pets being discarded and left on the streets.
    Thank goodness that we have these centers where folk give their time and love to caring for the animals and hopefully finding them their 'forever home'.
    We have had rescue dogs in the past and they were such a joy to have in our home.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Most adorable photos. I'm lucky -- all my cats were used and found me directly or indirectly. I hope pet adoption goes well indeed!

  9. bleu N squiggles....ewe both R total lee awesum friendz....manee thanx for postin thiz; we lited three candles; one for a diffrunt reezon; we hope de message attached two each findz itz way two wear it shuld bee ♥♥♥


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