
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Second on the 2nd: Oscar Shorts

A few days ago I shared the latest Oscar shorts.  For those who are not sure, the Oscars are also known as the Academy Awards, which is an annual American awards ceremony where members of the film industry are recognized by their peers.  You must be a member of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences or AMPAS to vote.  Oscars are awarded in three categories of short films.  These films are seldom over 35-40 minutes in length, and some are less than 10 minutes.  Each category has five films for you to choose from.

Last year my friend Sally asked me to go with her.  It was probably her 20th viewing of these shorts, but my first.  Here is last year's entry, shown in its entirety I called

A Day of Shorts

Yesterday (Saturday, 2/27/) ended up being shorts and sleeveless tops weather, but it didn't start that way.

Although I wasn't bundled like most of the people in line,

it was still a bit chilly as I stood and waited for the theater to open.

It took slightly over seven hours to view all these shorts.  We were first shown the documentary shorts, which took nearly four hours.

Then we had a 30 minute break, where people could buy overpriced food and drink.  There was no time to go anywhere, because there were no fast food establishments anywhere close, and by the time I stood in line to use the "facilities" I had just time enough to take a quick look around the lobby.  I learned there were 20 theaters in all in this facility including an IMAX.

So I took a couple of photos and returned to my seat, where I next watched the animated shorts, then the live action shorts.


Since I took no photos of the theater this year, I wanted to share last year's experience with everyone. Now it's your turn to share your Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  It could be one that has become relevant with time, or one you remembered after others discussed it.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit.  Please be aware this link is only open for five days, so linking on the 2nd is preferred.


  1. The inside of the theatre looks great. Same here with long queues and very overpriced snacks and drinks, I always smuggle something of my own in. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh yes - I remember this post! The theater is really special!Good to share it once again! Thank you!
    Hope you feel better and are o.k. again dear ELizabeth!
    Happy Second on the 2nd - I have no post for this month, I was so busy with the challenges until now and are in a flow with my sewing machine as well - you remember the under wonder I bought after I got inspired here on your blog lately- Sorry that I am not with you this time!Hope you don't mind ELizabeth!
    oxo Susi

  3. It is the same here in the UK for big events ladies queue for an age and miss the start of the second half. I once was brave enough to persuade a few ladies to stand outside the Gents while I went in their facilities as there hadn't been a gent around for ages. All the ladies followed my lead and we stood guard at the door of the Mens. I went to Holland to a flower festival and both sexes used the same facilities and all waited in the same queues for their turn--well why not I thought.

    Have a great day and I hope you are feeling better.

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Yes I remember this post as well and the lovely photos of the event that you shared.
    I hope today is a better one for you and you are on the mend.
    Yvonne xx

  5. I do remember this as I wished I could have been there! Hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. I don't remember that post so it was fun to see it.

  7. Fun to see the theater and hear about the occasion. I'm not much for standing in line but sometimes it is worth it I'm sure. BTW, nice to be back here for a visit. Hope to catch up with everyone.

  8. Good morning, I think I would enjoy seeing shorts as many of those are really creative or documentrys. I don't think I could sit and watch movies all day though lol Great photos.
    (I discovered I had signed up to use this link service and for some reason it didn't work but I will try this out again tomorrow and see what happens-if not I will be asking for help-thanks)

  9. That's really a beautiful theatre -- I love going to a theatre where it looks as though they really took care with good art on the walls, nice fixtures. Lovely.

  10. That is a marathon but I would love to do this type of marathon. I would make sure to bring a large purse so I could bring in some food.

  11. Bleu & Squig....had we known yur mom waz gonna be gone all day we could hada short partee !! we all wayz haza cargo load oh fish :) hope yur mom hada sooooper grate day; de shortz sound prette awesum ! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. We don't have theater lobbies as colorful as that. Just run of the mill boring cinema decor with an emphasis on the concessions. Hope the seats in the theater were as plushy as the lobby

  13. good morning-just a quick note-I think I did it with the linky gadget-finally lol have a great friday

  14. This was a fascinating read and sounds an interesting day out... annoying that the facilities are so over priced for such a long day though.
    Thanks for your lovely comments earlier...
    I do hope you soon feel much better Eliazbeth and can have a lovely
    relaxing weekend.
    Gill x

  15. That must have been an interesting day watching all those short films.
    Hope you're feeling better Elizabeth. I've not been keeping up with blogs as I have family visiting for 3 weeks, so always on the go with them.

  16. This would be so much fun. I'd love to go to the shorts. So glad you got to.
    Your 2nd on the 2nd looks like fun.
    How are you feeling? I hope much better. So sorry you've been sick.


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