
Friday, September 16, 2016

The Dog Ate My Homework?

School homework has often been a challenge for some students.  With that in mind, I'm joining both Art Journal Journey and Friday Smiles, hosted by the warm and gracious Annie at A Stitch in Time with a homework inspired journal page.  

Probably my favorite spread because of the humor, I went back to the mid-1980s for these two images.

Does anyone remember when we used floppy disks?  I certainly do.

Looks like we have another culprit we can blame the loss of our homework on these days.

Seems we no longer need to blame it on our furry companions.

Materials used for this spread include two sheets of scrapbook paper, computer generated text, and two images from two different magazines from the early 1980s.

Bleubeard and I are so grateful you dropped by today.  Please join us at Art Journal Journey, where this month the theme is "Back to School"

and at Friday Smiles where starting the weekend with a smile makes the entire weekend more enjoyable.


  1. What a fun page! I always loved the excuses kids cooked up about why they hadn't got their homework! I remember floppy discs, and before that I remember the computers with a cassette recorder attached for storage....that was back in the 70s. Thanks for another great page, love the humour, and thanks for the wonderful work you are putting in for AJJ. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Elizabeth. It's really good to see you joining in the fun this week. I had a real chuckle at you LO page. Love the photo of the dogs. Milly really didn't mind you spelling her name gets spelt both ways so we don't mind.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  3. What a fun entry Elizabeth - LOL!
    Yes I remember these floppy discs - we used them in the bookstore at those times.
    Happy weekend my friend!
    oxo Susi

  4. That's a great topic. :) Once one of our dogs actually did eat some of my daughter's homework. Kind of weird as a teacher to write a note that says that to another teacher. Ha-ha. And Tandy computers, man now that is a dinosaur. Technology has changed at practically the speed of life. But I am loving this page. Those pups are so cute in their sneakers. Ha-ha. Hugs-Erika

  5. Great post Elizabeth. Dogs chewing the Homework is not funny! Some years ago I got home with a bag full of homework books for marking and went to make a drink, when I turned round the dog had pulled everything out of my bag and was throwing them around the room so even teachers can suffer with this problem. Luckily I managed to retrieve everything in reasonable order at least the kids didn't notice the chewed bits Lol! Have a great weekend, Angela x

  6. Happy Friday Elizabeth, that's a super layout and yes brings back memories - this week my excuse would've been - the printer ran out of ink (had to take my letter off to the OfficeWorks shop to get it printed so I could send it with a birthday card). Have a wonderful weekend cheers Robyn

  7. What a fun page. So nostalgic. I certainly remember floppy disks and before that the cassette storage. I also remember the Tanbdy computer you featured. I didn't have one (I had a Commodore 64) but I remember it well.
    Love the St Bernard in boots!
    Have a good week,
    PS I didn't post anything today. Next week is another week.

  8. Such a fun page Elizabeth and a lovely smiley for the weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. I think it's more likely for the computer to "eat" the homework than for the dog to be guilty of it lol

  10. you've made me smile...and YES, the computer has 'eaten' my work, or blown up, or any other term you can think of. I am sure the younger generation has more technical terms for it. The dogs were a much cuter excuse! ;)

  11. I am grinning from ear to ear after seeing this fun page. Loved the photo of the dogs, poor things getting blamed for homework losses.
    Yvonne xx

  12. The dog ate my homework. Ha! This was great.
    Big smile.
    Happy weekend, Elizabeth, and of course, Bleubeard:)

  13. I loved the humour on your journal page, though I didn't have a dog to blame when my homework wasn't done. The dog image is fun too. Thanks for visiting me so promptlybthis week. Kate xx

  14. I had to laugh at the title, as it was the excuse students very often used! Nowadays of course it's the computer who eats the homework!!
    Have a lovely weekend Elizabeth.

  15. love your title and fun spread -and yes i do remember the floppy discs:)

  16. Lots of fun and whimsy here -- and yes, a smile on my face!

  17. Haha! an amusing page with the dog and the computer performing the same function (excuse).
    Is Bleubeard OK with collaborating with an artwork including a dog?
    "The cat ate my homework" doesn't have the same ring of truth, a cat is too intelligent to do something like that.

  18. Those dogs in the photos are so darn cute in their shoes. :) Since the vast majority of my kids homework is now turned in online they are definitely not familiar with that excuse. All they have is my internet was down...which may become the new "dog ate my homework".

  19. This is so funny! Bravo!
    sandy xx

  20. This is so funny Elizabeth - I used to love reading excuses given in the teaching magazine we used to get! Chrisx


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