
Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday Smiles # 174: just a few smiles from the garden

I realize it's been awhile since I joined Annie at A Stitch in Time for Friday Smiles.  You can always find her smiling link on my right sidebar if you want to visit.  She's warm, welcoming, and always has a smile, even when life seems at its worst.

Today we are headed for the garden.

Actually, this photo is from two weeks ago, the last week in May,

while this one was taken Thursday morning after the downpour and high winds from Wednesday night/early Thursday morning.  Look closely at the pots in the two images, and you can see how much these herbs have grown in the past two weeks.

It's obvious my tomatoes have taken hold and are growing nicely.

Although the veggie garden sustained a bit of damage, everything is doing very, very well.

A few words of garden wisdom interspersed with the photos hopefully makes the photos more enjoyable.

Two weeks ago I first harvested my dill.  I was so happy this volunteer dill came up, because the seeds I planted didn't turn into plants.

Look at both the basil and dill from yesterday.  I'm ready to harvest again!

Here is my pot of cilantro in late May,

compared to what it looked like as of yesterday.

May's lemon mint

and orange mint look good since they were mere cuttings I received on my birthday.

Yesterday they were very healthy

and quite happy.  I'll be able to harvest soon, too.
I simply adore this positive garden, even if I have no squash.

One veggie I do have is a bell pepper plant.  Here it's just taking hold in late May

and here it's looking very healthy in mid-June.

To save a bit of time, I'm only going to show the raspberry bushes from yesterday.  Most of the flowers that were so beautiful last month have now turned to genuine fruit in the making!

A plant that didn't exist last month is this one I'm propagating for my friend Scott.  I could have cut the plant from its parent, then added root hormone, but chose to take the easy way out and just plant the stringer that was headed for the ground, anyway.  Later this year, when I'm sure it has rooted, I will cut it away from the parent plant, and present it to him.

I will leave you with more pearls of wisdom from the garden, and ask you to join me at Annie's Friday Smiles, where starting the weekend with a smile makes it even more pleasant!  And thanks, too, for your continued support of my art, which today came from the garden.


  1. Seeing your garden is always enjoyable but those little rhymes are such fun (big grin here!) I love the variety of herbs you have! Raspberries are my favourite fruit - my ex hubby used to (still does) grow loads - they do multiply well don't they? Lucky Scott to be getting a surprise plant! Hugs, Chrisx ps not usually up at this time - couldn't sleep!

  2. Love the garden rhymes, and your garden is doing really well, and the herbs are growing big and strong - enjoy! My balcony plants are starting to pick up again after getting pounded by all the rain. Hugs, Valerie

  3. It's so lovely to see you joining in the fun this week and your post certainly made me smile (as did your comment on my blog). I did wonder whether you sense life here isn't so full of smiles at the mo or not....we have three close family members with cancer in some stage so I'm very thankful to be able to focus on my smiles. Life likes to throw us these challenges doesn't it?
    Once again thanks for linking's really good to share your smiles.
    Annie x

  4. Nice! Those plants are really coming up and doing their thing, aren't they? My garden isn't quite so advanced but is looking good. I'll get a photo soon. I think you'll be having some fresh raspberries soon. Still about a month till we get them here- but I am hoping to get strawberry picking soon. Approaching goal one today-kids are done at 11:30! Then a couple of low key work days to finish off our contracts(they canceled the one snow day for the kids so they wouldn't have a half day on Monday-but we need to complete our work days), but those days are easy. Stress has lifted off me in a very visible way! Anyhow, getting off track-love your garden views and enjoy your day! Hugs-Erika

  5. Thanks for all these views of your garden plants. I always love to see other people's gardens. I'm especially taken with the lemon and orange mint, I must see if I can get these, they would make lovely herb teas.
    And I really enjoyed your words of advice - peas, squash and turnips - all good.

  6. Great garden rhymes, very clever. You are going to have some lovely veggies. I read the comment you left at Annie's about the football but not all of us support the round ball Lol! in the UK, at our house footballs are also rather oval as we follow the rugby rather than the soccer and that of course is the royal we! as that's him-in-doors that likes Rugby, personally I find it a good reason to do some more crafting when football's on the telly! Have a great Friday with lots of smiles. Love to BleuBeard too. Angela xXx

  7. Love your garden and love all the positivity words between the photos. Mmmm bet coming to dinner at your house is an occasion with all those lovely additives to use when you are cooking.
    Hugs to you - and a tickle under the chin for both fur babies with a special one for Bleubeard.
    Hugs, Neet xx 5

  8. Impressive- it's coming along beautifully and still June! Orange mint? That's a new one to me but it must smell wonderful.

  9. What a wonderful garden!!! Thanks for the idea!!!

  10. I love to see green things growing -- peaceful.

  11. What a super post. My 84 year old auntie loves to grow herbs and then use them in her cooking. She experiments making all sorts of casseroles

  12. I love putting lemon basil in my iced tea. Your plants are doing so well, I may have to get some herbs for myself. One of my other favorites is cilantro - in my opinion you can never have too much!

    It's been ages since I've joined Friday Smiles, let alone do any posting. Still can't put my finger on why.....

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Loved the garden rhymes today and your garden looks like it is flourishing.
    Your herbs are thriving. I love fresh herbs and add its so much easier to pick your own.
    Have a good weekend
    Yvonne xx

  14. Wow, your garden has grown! What a difference from May!
    Raspberries and bell pepper coming on beautifully. You will enjoy cooking with the herbs. They always make things taste so much better.
    I have planted (from seed) chillie peppers. I love hot food but cannot find chillie peppers here, so I'm growing my own. I do hope they will grow on to be full plants. They are nowhere as big as your bell pepper. (same family if I'm not mistaken).
    I love the garden wisdom. I'd never heard that one.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Have a good week,

  15. Great garden rhymes :) Your garden is doing great!!! Mine was late to go in and just doesn't want to grow very fast. I'm headed out there is bit to give it a little talk to and some TLC.

  16. Great garden rhymes :) Your garden is doing great!!! Mine was late to go in and just doesn't want to grow very fast. I'm headed out there is bit to give it a little talk to and some TLC.

  17. Looks like you have lots to harvest from your garden this year. We aren't successful with cilantro and I don't know why. We use a lot of it and wish it grew better in the garden. Your quotes are great!

  18. Wow! Everything is really growing well! Should be a productiv garden year. :)

  19. Your garden is doing very well! I am envious of the raspberries. They just won't grow out here. It is lovely to be able to pick your own herbs as and when you need them. I am glad the weather didn't do any lasting damage. The little rhymes are fun and full of good advice. Kate x

  20. Wonderful rhymes and inspiration interspersed in your green garden post E!
    Herbs are a favorite garden thing of mine... right up there with beloved flowers!
    Yours really are coming along nicely.
    You made me giggle when you said to examine the first two photos carefully. You moved the pots to keep us on our toes I see LOL!
    Fresh cilantro is such a treat.
    I'm always sad when our weather turns really hot and it goes to seed and pouts the rest of the summer.
    Here's to you and your green thumb.
    p.s. My old wooden herb boxes needed replacing last year but we are just finally getting around to it now! WHERE does the time go! I have my fingers crossed that what I had planted will transplant into the new boxes without too much trauma.

  21. Garden looks great! Mine is slow to take hold but I'm hopeful. Had to replant 14 tomato plants yesterday. Your herbs are doing awesome!~ Creative Blessings!

  22. I've been out of town, and when we got back our internet quit on us. I see I've missed so much while I was gone! I love your gardening, and I see a few things I'd like to add to my patio. I love summertime, with all the plants growing so well :)

  23. Fun rhymes. I love fresh dill and yours looks so good. I've got 12 tomato plants, what ever was I thinking, and hopefully a few beans and some round zukes, never tried those before. I have more to plant, maybe this weekend???? xox

  24. Your garden is growing so well, it looks fabulous! Great garden rhymes too. Happy gardening :-)


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