
Monday, March 14, 2016

T Stands for Green

Today I'm sharing a bit of blarney with you.

It's all about the green:

a Leprechaun (pistachio) muffin on a green plate,  

green kisses, green tea in a green Depression glass that sits on a green crocheted holder,

all lead to St. Patrick's Day.  However, if you can't wait till St. Patrick's Day, you can always celebrate the Ides of March.

For those who forgot their history lessons from middle school/ junior high, the Ides of March is a day on the traditional Roman calendar that roughly corresponds to March 15 on our current calendar.

It is most commonly associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. 
Caesar, the brutal dictator of the Roman Republic, was assassinated by a coalition of Roman senators who conspired to get rid of him before he could overthrow them.  His assassination led to the fall of the Roman Republic and rise of the Roman Empire.  So feel free to raise your glass (or cup) to St. Patrick or the fall of Julius Caesar today.  (Photo of Caesar being killed in the Senate by Getty Images)

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears because now it's your turn.  "Et tu, Brute?"  You may share photos, a place you visited, an empty cup, a full cup, teapot, or mug, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below, then Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Brutus and St. Patrick will not be joining us, though.  However, Bleubeard would like to remind you that your photos may be taken at any time, not just on Tuesday.


  1. Love the green Depression-ware cup! Your table setting is very St Patty's day indeed.

  2. Lovely and tasty looking greens for T today on your pretty wood table!
    Et tu, Brute!!! You made me giggle E :-)
    Happy T Day
    Happy Ides of March
    Happy St Paddy's Day too.

  3. Beautiful setting for St. Paddy's Day, your muffin looks so yummy.

    Gorgeous depression that stuff!

    Happy T-day

  4. What a fun post! Love the look of all those different cakes and sweet things. Thanks for the history, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. the pistachio muffin looks gorgeous! (there's a new Kew post if you have time!)

  6. haha, et tu, brute...
    i think the pistacchio Muffins would be great for breakfast that i´m taking now.
    st patrick´s day is not a big affair here, though i read in the newspaper they make a big Parade in munich. maybe i have the Chance to visit this next near.
    happy t-day and rest of the week!

  7. It always makes me laugh that in the US you do this big St Patrick day thing and over here in England (which is next door to Ireland) we will do nothing!! LOL Love all your green and that cake thing looks really yummy!!

  8. First, now I want a pistachio muffin too-and they are not easy to find around my area! So fun to decorate and be a bit Irish for St. Patrick's Day whether Irish or not-like me:) Happy T day!

  9. Fun post with all the shades of green. I like depression glass and think the green is my favorite color.

  10. Don't know what I was thinking not to leave you a comment when I linked -maybe I was trying to ignore your yummy looking pistachio muffin!! I love your green food and drink - St Patricks Day will be well celebrated in the Irish pubs today! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. St Patricks day is my reminder to start my seeds for the upcoming gardening season. I've got to dig out my plant cart when I get home today. :)
    Happy T day!!

  12. I am all about the green right now. Even green muffins which look soooooo yummy. And I love the depression glassware and green plate. How pretty your tea looks in that cup. I am a bit late linking up, hubby was back in the ER last night and I didn't get home until 2AM so I called in sick to work and slept in- until 10. Guess I needed it. Happy T day!

  13. Hoping I am "better late than never" with my link up! Love your green goodies! and...your Ides of March made me think about my English teacher in H.S. who had us act out the scene of Caesar's assassination. The class 'clown' usually got picked to be Caesar! Don't remember who we picked for Brutus, but a fun class with much laughter, despite the subject matter! Have a great week dear...did you get my email about your swap pages? they are on the way...mailed Saturday 3.12.16. Have a great week!

  14. Wonderful Green T post, and makes me want to make some muffies!! yum! x

  15. Thank you so much for the lovely reminder that St. Patricks Day is right around the corner.... with all the hub bub i'd almost forgot!! Those muffins look yummy! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. Love all your 'green' elements in rememberence of St Patrick's day. Thank you for sharing the information on the Ides of March. That was totally new to me.
    Happy Tuesday dear Elizabeth

  17. Sorry, I´m not playing today... so I´m just visiting.
    And what a welcome you give me! A pistachio muffin and green tea. I love green tea and I´m sure >I would like the muffin too.
    Congratulations on being guest designer for TioT. Well done you.
    Happy St Patrick´s day and have a good week,

  18. I heard them speak about the Ides of March yesterday on CBC as we were driving through Canada! I love all your green -- and the background too!


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