
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Update on my Kings and Queens altered book for my art friend

In case you missed the first three installments of this altered book, which should be read in order, you can find the first post here, the second one here, and the third one here.

I know I said I wasn't going to add any 3-D elements, but this small piece of fiber fell in my lap as I was getting ready to sew this picture of Eleanor of Provence to the page.  It doesn't take up much space, so I was glad I added it.  Seems all I've done is sew page after page of Kings and Queens, with no embellishments to speak of.

Here is the back of the tip-in, where Eleanor of Provence is shown to be King Henry III's wife and Consort.  I sprayed some of my shimmering mists on a page and added it as a backdrop to this colored picture of Eleanor of Provence.

King Edward I was attached to a paint chip sample.

The dates of when he reigned was attached to a second paint chip.

This is Eleanor of Castile, Edward's first wife.   When I went looking for further information after seeing two wives attributed to Edward I, I learned

the two were married when he was 15.  Unlike many Kings of that era, he truly loved Eleanor and it appears she loved him, too.  He was faithful to her through their entire marriage, and he took her death hard.  It took him nine years before he married again,

this time to Margaret of France, who he married as a matter of convenience.

When Edward I died, he was in the middle of a Scottish-English war.

I realize this book isn't going very fast, but I assure you, my craft and sewing room is frigid at the moment, so work on this project will need to wait until my hands can warm enough to cut, sew, and paste.

Thanks as always for your generous and continued support of this project.


  1. You've put so much into this project! Going slow? Nearly everything I make goes slow.. just need to add this little bit more. The good news is that things ultimately get to the finish line.

  2. Just a little at at time is good for me gives me a chance to savour all you have done. Love the illustrations and the way you are making such lovely pages! Thankyou for the paper info! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. More loveliness and education Elizabeth, Thank You i really enjoy reading how you are progressing. Love the little piece of material, looks fantastic :-) xxx

  4. I could never sort out all those kings and queens. Your book will be a great resource when finished.


  5. What an amazing project! A masterpiece always takes time. I love the history and the images. Your friend will love it. I'm sorry your room is cold. I hope it warms up soon! Thank you for sharing.
    Best wishes..

  6. I am sorry to hear that your studio is still so cold! Hope the temperatures will get higher soon .
    We have also coldness here again, althought it was so sunny and warm on Tuesday. Your project will be wonderful in the this little embellishment you attached.
    Your handwriting is awesome .

  7. E, this is a charming book and I adore your handwriting on the pages... a very sweet touch..
    and I too noticed that blogger is broken, a nice surprise... x

  8. The stitching really makes it sing. Great present this is going to be. xox

  9. I'm learning as you go along. I like the stitches you use Elizabeth and I think Eleanor's sash is a lovely colour, I imagine her hair band is he same colour ans she's adjusting it to fit just so :o))

  10. Your kings and queens are coming along famously ;-)
    That bit of fiber for Eleanor of Provence is a lovely touch along with your varied stitches as a border.
    My bobbin is acting up and I haven't been able to use my machine in ages. Frustrating!
    Great work on these royal pages E!

  11. Trying to catch up on everything I missed while my internet was funky!

    This is coming along great! I like your fancy stitches, too!

  12. This is turning out quite lovely, E! Sending you some of our early spring 90 degree warmth your way. Hugs to all from us Girls. :)

  13. aren´t all those researches so interesting? that´s one Thing i really like about such Projects! great Details here!


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