
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Moo-Mania and More, anything goes: My name is Charlie

Moo-Mania and More's latest challenge is "Anything Goes."  It seemed like the perfect time to pay homage to the tragedy that occurred recently in Paris.  The shooting occurred at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo (think similar to Mad Magazine in the US).  Because the publication office had received threats in the past, there was always a police presence at their office. The police were among the targets in the attack, and a police car was riddled with bullets near the building.

Although I have never seen this publication, but have read they often used anti-religious cartoons, as an American, with the unalienable right to say anything I choose, I created this two page spread to honor that freedom of speech and religion, which also includes the written word.
I realize I can't draw, but I thought these images looked funky enough to represent the magazine.  And because my altered book is slightly larger than my scanner, here are the words I wrote:

My name is Charlie.
I stand for freedom.
They tried to kill me.
Instead, it made me stronger.
Now my voice is heard around the world.

The font I chose is called Shotgun, which I thought was appropriate.

Thanks for looking.  I appreciate it.  I really wanted to do something to show my support for freedom of speech, and this was the best way I knew how.  I hope your comments aren't too brutal, because I choose to stand behind my art and artistic statement.

Be sure to check out Moo-Mania and More because they have some extremely talented artists who make wonderful art.


  1. I want folks who are offended by material they find insulting to figure out a non-violent way of expressing themselves. I support the cartoonists' right to publish without fear of violent reprisal. Thank you for addressing the issue in your art.

  2. Wonderful pages, a great homage to Charlie Hebdo and freedom of speech and thought! Thanks for joining us at Moo Mania and More, Valerie

  3. Absoluely GREAT what you did here Elizabeth!
    Je suis Charlie!


    Thank you so much for sharing this with us over at
    Moo Mania & More

  4. Two wonderful pages and quote.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO-MANIA & MORE CHALLENGE

  5. Well done, dear your pages and drawings! and the words are just right...

    sorry I didn't make it to the Tues. link party again...many things going on and just not able to spend the time...missed everyone! Hope you are staying warm! hugs...

  6. Beautiful tribute to Charlie Hebdo. No one should ever have to fear expressing their beliefs and opinions in a nonviolent way. Good job, E.

  7. JE SUIS CHARLIE!!! Peaceful protest, calm conversations and understanding hearts are rarely found in religious fervour. I am abhored by the fact these people thought it was ok to kill. Love your courageous pages Elizabeth, love your words.

    Je suis Charlie:-) xxx

  8. Bravo mon amie! Your spread is wonderful. The words just right.
    I hope that if anyone disagrees with what you have said then they stay quiet, or challenge it in a polite & respectful manner.

  9. This art is a wonderful expression of solidarity with the people of Paris (and with all those who stand for freedom of speech).

  10. Such a lovely homage to a sad event E, having grown up in an Arab country and lived in others, the average normal person is exactly that, the same as you and me and yet this small group of zealots seems to be able to wreak havoc all over the world in the name of a religion that is being twisted out of recognition.

  11. a wonderful Statement, i agree with everything here! good choice of font, and you made it in the green (islamic) Color like the new issue of Charlie hebdo. very well done.

  12. Hooray for you Elizabeth! I been silent on this because I just couldn't find the right words. You created a wonderful tribute.


  13. Thank you for putting into words how a lot of us feel. Killing is wrong and killing in the name of ANYTHING is even worse!!

    Well done E !!!

  14. A very thoughtful post. Lovely tribute!

  15. You can draw!! these are very well done cartoon images!

  16. Hear Hear Elizabeth! Great tribute.
    My name is Charlie!
    PS I should be there on Tuesday all being well. Things a little manic right now.

  17. Well said and done E(I was going to say executed OMGosh)
    Nous sommes Charlie!

  18. Elizabeth, your words say it all! That such a tragedy should have such a positive outcome! I love your faces btw! Chrisx


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