
Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Smiles # 90

I'm once again visiting my friend Annie at A Stitch in Time, our wonderful host for Friday Smiles.

Last week I shared words given me by a friend who pointed out they could be used when a fresh description of a few common words was needed.  This is the second half of the list.

11. MISTY: How golfers create divots

12. PARADOX:  Two physicians

13. PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower

14. PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm

15. POLARIZE: What penguins see with

16. PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV

17. RELIEF: What trees do in the spring

18. RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife

19. SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does

20. SUDAFED: Brought litigation against a government official

Please don't forget to visit Annie at A Stitch in Time for links from like minded folk that will help you start the weekend off with even more smiles. 


  1. Hehehe I think those are so clever. I must be honest that I do have to read them a few times slowly to get the jokes but once I get them they are so obvious lol Thanks for sharing....I really had missed you.
    Annie x

  2. LOL... this is clever and funny!
    Happy weekend dear Elizabeth!

  3. Happy Friday Smiles, Elizabeth - and again you have us chuckling with these fun words. Have a wonderful weekend Cheers Robyn

  4. More great funnies, although like Annie I have to read a few of them twice!


  5. C;ever! I missed the first half while I was away, will go back and look for them.


  6. HAHAHA!!! Love these too!
    Got your card yesterday...don't apologize...geesh. You know how we are...late is our "thing". :)

  7. FUNNY! I even went back and read the first 10 and that made me feel guilty for not visiting more often :( I've been trying NOT to be on this computer all day...and some days I win...LOL But I did a little nosing around, past T-days.....

    I really like your altered playing cards a lot!

    The CB challenge quote is perfect and I LOVE the background you created for it.

    I got a kick out of your J52 page, and really like the idea of "pulling" something out of the hat......very clever!

    The Harry Potter books and movies are geared, or started out geared for the "younger" generation.( I know more adults that have read them, in fact a teacher is who turned me onto them) When the book first came out there was a lot of hullabaloo about the fact it was about witches and wizards, so I bought the first book, to check out what all the commotion was about (my boys were way younger then....grin) Even my Mom was aghast that I was reading it, that is how long ago the first book came out. Well, long story, short......I enjoyed the book so much I was always waiting for the next one to come out. Then they made the movies!!! The commotion was all about NOTHING!!! Rather simple plots about kids that go to wizard school and the adventures they have while there.

    I find that the Sci-fi books geared to that age group don't have all the gory junk in them, written with a great imagination, fast and easy to read, BUT I still enjoy a good Dean Koontz (very SCI-FI and weird at times) and a few of the other "thriller" authors, and throw in a good "love" story or comedy..... WELL, I just really like to read....LOL

  8. Laughing like a good 'un here Elizabeth, very clever way to see words! Thank you for sharing, i hope to see more :-) xxx

  9. Enjoyed the second half as much as he first .... Had to think about the golf one though.... Being a non golfer

  10. I to took seconds...then went back to the 1st half also. Cute ! Plus I enjoyed all your posts in between. Like the Altered Playing Cards. I've been so away from blogging its almost as I've started over catching up. Have a great weekend.

  11. These are very clever. I wonder who spots all the possibilities. Thanks for the smile. Kate x

  12. Hahaa!
    these made me smile and giggle
    Thank you for sharing...
    I am wondering HOW I got so behind visiting your energetic postings!
    You do so much E...

  13. Ha! Ha! From a smile to a laugh! Now I'll have to track back to last weeks post immediately!! Chris

  14. Ha! Ha! From a smile to a laugh! Now I'll have to track back to last weeks post immediately!! Chris

  15. Even though it is Sunday already, I could not miss Part 2 for these clever definitions!

    I was surprised and very THRILLED to receive your card in the mail! That was so sweet and unexpected. I am thrilled to own a piece of your art, too! Thank you so much!

  16. hahaha, thanks for the laugh!


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