
Thursday, March 1, 2012

My 12 month (366 days) calendar: Februrary and March

Another month has rolled around and we are now 1/6 of the way through this year. We have even gotten through the extra day February gave us. So it's time to join Kate at The Kathryn Wheel for this month's reveal. My February was filled with many hearts, but in retrospect, it should have been all about ball games, which took up more days than the hearts did!

For those who like to read the details (although my handwriting is very, very hard to read), here are the hearts up close and personal. The left side is here, and

the right side is here. I decorated the page using a heart ribbon, my only embellishment.

Now it's time to set our sights on March, the month of "blarney!"


  1. Love the way you have incorporated the hearts into your February and your handwriting isn't that bad... but I know what you mean, mine has deteriorated drastically in the last decade or so!

  2. Great pages for Feb and love what you did with your March pages. Great idea.

  3. How fun are these! I love your calendars!

  4. Love the calendars. Another AB done good.

  5. Clearly all set for St. Patricks Day there. Love the March page.

  6. BEAUTIFUL, I love way you flipped the hearts- what a treasure this will be when you're done!

  7. looks like you are having great fun, E! enjoy your calendar, love the hearts!

  8. Beautiful calendar! Thanks for sharing :D

  9. Hi Elizabeth, loving your pages :-) I like that you use different shapes for the daily journalling unlike me! I keep thinking I'll try something different - maybe one day.
    Anne x

  10. Blarney. What a wonderful word. I like the Feb calendar but a March full of blarney sounds like an awful lot of fun.


  11. Sorry you were caught in a hurricane.It must have been very scary!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Love your site.Loved the hearts...

  12. So happy the parcel has arrived... hope everything survived the journey and you like it. :) Enjoy!!

  13. Blarney indeed... I am a St Patrick's day baby... love this Love Cynthia #9 x

  14. Great Feb page and I love the lepricauns on your march page x

  15. I remember those cool hearts from last month - looks great all filled in. Neat format for your dates in March, too.

  16. Love your march can't wait to see your apr x

  17. how can it be the month of blarney

    fun seeing your calendar are moving right along!

    I have fallen a bit behind with our remodeling here at home...still trying to put things back together and lighten our load as well (BIG job!)

  18. Ah yes the luck of the Irish. Delightfully done.

  19. I like your Feb background - love being able to see the text underneath your paint layers :) The leprechaun images on March made me smile :D x


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