
Friday, March 9, 2012

Inspiration Avenue: You've got mail!

This week Jenn, issuing her first IA challenge, asked us to send a bit of Inspiration Avenue love through snail mail. As with many pieces I first envision, I planned to dig out a few vintage images, old postcards, and cancelled postage stamps, along with the old red and blue gummed-on-the-back airmail stickers I still have. But something happened along the way, and I got derailed by my idea. I was in the process of sorting and putting a bunch of leftover scraps away, when I realized they all had a similar color palette. Much brighter than I originally planned,

this is the front I came up with, made from pieces I had thrown in a plastic bag that were waiting to be put away. The heart was made from a piece of candy wrapper, the colorful envelope sewed together from a full sheet of decorated deli paper. The birds and crown were punched from one of the same paint chips I used in last week's challenge. I found the words "peaceful mind" in a magazine.

I made similar envelopes last Christmas for my hand stamped Christmas cards. I admit, this one is a bit more brightly decorated than the ones I sent out at Christmas. Yep, that is a smaller version of the little Paper Whimsey gal I used last week. This one got tucked into a paint chip sample. I cut the petal so I could position her shoes and legs in the flower.

Some extra border punch paper I colored in a pale pink and lavender complimented the circles left over from another project.

Of special interest, there is one thing I have noted about my British friends. Unlike mail sent from the States, when the British send mail, their return addresses are always on the back of the envelope, specifically on the flap. I really like that idea and much prefer it to the upper left side of the front of our US envelopes.

Gosh! It looks like you've got mail from Bleubeard and Elizabeth! Read and enjoy it at your leisure. And thanks Jenn, for a great first challenge.

Also, I apologize for not visiting everyone last week, and those I did visit, it was not in a timely manner. It all started when a tornado hit too close to home, which led to my computer freezing on me several times, and forcing me to reboot with each "meltdown." That threw me farther and farther behind, especially as I was frantically working on my weekend AB lesson during the time I would normally have been visiting your challenge blogs. It may seem lame, but I apologize and intend to do better this week.


  1. I would be happy to receive this bright and cheerful piece of mail any day! Wonderful entry for the challenge, and thank you for your nice comments on my AB.

  2. Very lame indeed!

    i have just signed up to participate in the class offered by King Tim and have spent the week obsessing over the many inks, pigment and whatever that he and ranger sell. Finally figured out why his stuff never worked. it is all "Ink Specific". As a result i too am behind on everything.
    So cheers B & E on ward and upward.

  3. AAh, Mr. Bluebeard, you are a smart and crafty cat! How did you not glue all those pieces to your lovely fur? You are an amazingly adept and creative artist. Please tell Elizabeth that she is mother to one very talented cat.
    Thank you so much for your lovely submission to my Mail Art challenge on IA. I love your collage, the colors jump off the page, such a great idea.
    Jenn of
    (member of Inspiration Avenue)

  4. happy colors make me smile! glad you snagged these scraps before you put them and cheery mail art for sure!

  5. Lovely bright and cheerful envelope that anyone would be happy to see in their mailbox!!

    Oh and I got clamps!! Chris found a packet of 22 for less than $10... I did say I wasn't sure I needed 22... but they are various sizes so I am get going on my niche now!! Yay!!

  6. Love the bright colors here today!
    And a too close tornado gives me the heebie jeebies. Glad it was only your computer that was bothered by it. Stay safe please!

  7. Love the brights. I really wanted to get in on this one but instead I'm on vacation. Waving at you from PS.


  8. i love the unabashed JOY in your piece! great creativity & whimsy! :D and so glad you & Mr Bluebeard weren't hurt in the storms!

  9. That is such a cool idea, and so hope those tornadoes are done for the year... I would be simply terrified... give me a hurricane any day thanks every much... have a great week and hope your computer behaves...xx

  10. Love the fun, bright colors and cute details, delicious piece! <3
    Hope the tornadoes are over now, sounds scary!

  11. Elizabeth, I love the idea of creating an envelope! You and Bleubeard did a wonderful job with the challenge :D I love the cheerful colors...who wouldn't love to see this in their mailbox!

    Thanks for the visit! Those tornadoes are so devastating. I'm glad the brunt of it missed you. Unfortunately, we are just going into tornado season. There were so many last year...I hope there are fewer this year.

  12. I LOVE this envelope you created and all the layers of detail, color and texture very beautiful AND special! I like the return address on the back as well- I seem to remember that here, we can choose front or back?
    I so glad you were safe from those terrible storms! We had warnings but luckily, everything steered clear of us.....scary time of year!

  13. Bright and colorful, as usual! Who wouldn't love to receive an envelope that looked like this? I really MUST be more inspired when I actually send mail..... Great interpretation - thanks for sharing.

  14. I would love to receive your wild and colorful envelope in the mail! I must say, I think Bluebeard is very handsome. I recently lost my beautiful grey cat, Tabbytha, to injection site sarcoma. When I see your cat's beautiful face I remember how wonderful and unique she was. She was extremely helpful when I worked with any kind of crafts and I trust your cat assists you as well.

  15. This reminds me of a bright and colorful collage. Great work.

  16. I'd love to receive mail like this, it would brighten up my whole week! Gorgeous, sun-shiney art :)

    I never knew that in the US you put return addresses on the front of your envelopes - you learn something every day! x

  17. Sending my love to you via eMail lol
    Love your entry.

  18. The yellow on this pops like crazy, makes me think of the surface of the sun, and I love it! I agree, a package, letter, and/or envelope like this would brighten my spirits for a long while. Lovely stuff!


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