
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The great desk snoop Julia at Stamping Ground asks us every Wednesday to show our tables, desks, floors, whatever. This week, as WOYWWendy looks on, I am planning to do some painting for a post I'm planning tomorrow (Thursday). I didn't want to get my nice clean table (with its brand new shower curtain liner) dirty, so I grabbed my red rosin paper, a product I haven't used in a long, long time. Since I plan to use only items I've already purchased, I thought it would be a great way to use a bit of this roll. I've used it to make backgrounds, and love getting it all painted before I use them in my art. Also on my table is an electric scissor (or is that scissors?), the one thing I have found to quickly cut this paper without killing my hands. It only takes a few seconds to zip through this stuff with the scissors. You can get red rosin paper in the roofing section of your local hardware/big box home improvement store. This roll is about half full.

Now I know you like to see my rocking horses, but I decided to leave them on the wall this week. This is the outer wall of the stairs leading to my office. The rest of the house does not have this ugly paneling, but I have never bothered to paint it. The ceiling is so high, I'm not sure even an extension on a paint roller would reach, and I would have NO WAY to cut the paint in.

Have a great WOYWW and I will try to visit if you leave your number. Last week I spent more time than I care to mention, trying to find a few commenters. I'm posting early this week, trying to keep up with our dear Julia.


  1. I like that rosin paper too thanks to my pal Lyle who showed it to me. Such a neat desk, love to see you get busy with some new wonderful projects and tell us all about it. Like those scissors. xox Corrine

  2. Hiya hun i love that wall full of your rockin horses ,maybe add some of your art too.Have fab wednesday
    hugs judex2

  3. I am intrigued by your paper! fabulous wall of rocking horses too!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx # 9

  4. That is a great use for that wall. I'm working on my Wednesday project as I surf the net. Glad you are on the first wave!

  5. Lovely clean desk, fantastic wall of rocking horses, congrats on keeping your shower curtain/tablecloth spick & span, Hugs May x x x x

  6. Tidy tidy tidy!! I put my shower curtain in the washing machine, even though it's the rocking horses and is that really the time where you are?? Have a crafty week. HaPpY WoYwW!!

  7. never heard of rosin paper so off to google it and find out about it... love the colour though and nice to get a glimpse of that wall of rocking horses... happy woyww xx

  8. Loving your horses again this week... what a great looking desk. Love to Bleu

  9. Yay... the rocking horses are back... and that is a lovely one!! I have never heard of this brown paper stuff you are talking about... is it special in some way? I am trying not to laugh at the reasoning behind covering your table with a plastic shower curtain so that said table doesn't get messed up and then not wanting to paint on the shower curtain because it is new and you don't want to mess it up... LOL

  10. Wow, I am impressed by the tidiness. And what a great collection of rocking horses. :-)

    Happy Woyww!

    Sandy #19

  11. Red rosin paper ... woyww never cease to amaze me with the variety of products gleaned from every imaginable source.

  12. I've never heard of rosin paper wither, or electric scissors for that matter but they must be good if they save you time and save your hands too. I suppose those of us with bad feet or hands just do what we have to do to continue are enjoyment of life. I no longer run (used to run 1/2 marathons) and I can't wear heels or dance anymore (but that's not a bad thing, trust me!). But there are still plenty of things I can and do do so I'm grateful for that.

    Brenda 6

  13. Neat space. I am going to have to check out rosin paper because I have never heard of it either. Dani28

  14. Isn't it fun shopping in the hardware store for scrapping supplies? I will have to check out the red rosin paper, sounds interesting indeed!Ya'll are getting a jumpstart on me for WOYWW but mine will be up tomorrow! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  15. Oooh please, tell us what rosin paper is? And what you are going to do with it? Happy WOYWW!

  16. Never heard of that rosin paper. Would love to know more about it - ie is it thick or thinnish stuff? maybe I should Google.
    Thanks for sharing your desk and your wall of lovely Rocking Horses. Still no Bleubeard though.
    Hugs, Neet 29 xx

  17. Great idea..will be fun to see what you end up with. Have a great WOYWW. I'm #38

  18. electic scissors i confess i didn't know they existed! idea though and if you do cut out alot great for your hands...your right when it comes to high ceilings you've got no chance with the cutting in...have a fab week Mel :)

  19. great idea, looks very neat and tidy at the moment, great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing your workspace, # 52

  20. Electric scissors, now there is a tool I don't have!

  21. Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! Lovely to see what you are up to this week.
    Neil #49 or thereabouts!

  22. Can't wait to see your painting project the roofing paper is genius. Happy woyww!


  23. Have a great week, never heard of that paper...would love to know what it is! Hugs trace x 51

  24. Great crafting space it is always so neat and tidy. I will have to check into the red rosin paper cause I have never heard of it before. I learn something new each week. Hope you are staying warm and enjoying winter at last! I am now ready for it to leave Okieland and the sooner the pun intended! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64

  25. This is not the first time I have seen mention of rosin paper! I must remember to investigate further. You look very ready for a painting spree. I think I should have got my elf to think more like you before he left his paint roller on my desk!


  26. Thanks for already stopping by!! I have not heard of rosin paper (I don't spend much time in the hardware store!) Looking forward to the altered book course now.

  27. not sure what red rosin paper is but look forward to seeing what you make:) will have to google it!
    Happy woywwing
    Jennie #7

  28. Not heard of red rosin paper before so will have to look it up now :-)
    A x

  29. I like the horses. They look so sweet! :)

    Happy WOYWW!

    Olga x

  30. Sounds like a great idea to use up what you've got in stock already. I am definitely trying to stick to that, but have fallen by the wayside as I had to buy some more doggy fabric, having sold out at the weekend! Still looking for a decent cat fabric, but to no avail... yet!
    HUgs, LLJ #72 xx

  31. So now I know what rosin paper is and it was easy to Google so I've learned something new today!
    Thanks for visiting me and I must say that I was thinking of you in Germany.... I saw a beauty of a rocking horse in a shop there and wished I could have afforded to ship it to you but it was so heavy, so I just gave him a pat and told him how much you would have loved him. Now I realise that I should have taken a photograph... Doh!
    Lv JoZarty x

  32. Wow! Electric scissors, how cool are they. You had us all intrigued about roisin paper, bet the sales will rocket this week and the sellers will have no idea why.
    Ann B

  33. You may not like the wall but it makes a great backdrop for your wonderful rocking horse gallery. What a tidy area ...I need to see a mess. lol Im off now to see what rosin paper is btw.xx

  34. Great that your shower curtain is still clean. What do you do with rosin paper, or should I say what is it? Love your rocking horses.
    Have a great week. Von #40

  35. Your electric scissor (s) look like a handy gadget to keep around the place!
    The rocking horses are lovely too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  36. Ooh intriguing, I do love seeing your rocking horses so these pics are fab. Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW. Zo xx 88

  37. Love your Rocking Horse Gallery, Don't think I have ever heard of electric scissors, Have a great week Lou @#91

  38. Another one who will be googling red rosin paper! I used to have a block of rosin to rub on my violin bow. Lovely to see your wall of rocking horses :o)
    Fiona xx #103
    PS I think clicking on my name takes you straight to my blog.

  39. Thanks for the look around your fab space, Have a great week Kerry @ 30

  40. Oooh an electric scissor sounds like my kind of toy! And I can see your beloved Mod Podge lurking in the background.....can't wait to see how all this ends up!

  41. Thanks for the reminder to look for red rosin paper. I saw a book made of it on Pinterest. I'll have to keep my eye open for electric scissors as well lol. Good to see WOYWWendy up and about and the Rocking Horses are lovely. #27

  42. I've seen that red rosin paper but hesitate to buy it because the roll is so big. I'll bet it is interesting to paint on tho.


  43. Very wise not to try paint that wall. I have banned my husband from doing the hall, stairs and landing again - we shall get someone in to do that one. Yours is a perfect place to show off all those rocking horses. I must look at those electric scissors, are they any good for intricate cutting out? Hve a good week. xx Maggie #100

  44. Mmm electric scissors you say? Mmm interesting! Thanks for the peek! Kim

  45. Not a clue what rosin paper is so I'm off to google it! That will be the new thing I've learned this week! Happy WOYWW!

  46. love to see your creative desk!
    Happy Wednesday :-)
    Hugs Marleen #45

  47. hi, great collection of rocking horses, I wouldn't paint the wall either as it so high have a great week
    Anne-marie x no 121

  48. Nice tidy desk will call back tomorrow to see what u painted x

  49. Enjoy your painting. Such a tidy workdesk. The electric scissor(s) look interesting - wonder whether I should investigate! (Hazel, WOYW #138) x

  50. Never heard of that paper or seen a project with it so am interested to see what you do. By the way, I'm still on the hunt for the right stitched book for the altered book class - does it have to be as old and flexible as the one you showed in lesson 1? I have one that's the right size, etc but is practically new (it's an old textbook that didn't get used much) so it doesn't have the flexibility of the one you showed. Does that matter?

  51. Hello to you and WOYWWendy. How fun to have a project ready to roll (hee hee). I've never tried electric scissors but I'll bet they are a blast. Judy #113

  52. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the rosin paper!

  53. Hi Elizabeth, never heard of red rosin paper, not even sure that it is available over here in Scotland, so will be interested to see your project when completed. Those scissors look very useful ... and bliss to the hands too. Love those paintings of rocking-horses and who would have thought there could be so many. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #116

  54. you are the best spammer I've ever had,

    I deleted the spam and left the spam confession,

    it a pair of scissors
    or two pairs of scissors, the pair is the the thing that get the pluralisation



  55. I think google will crash this week, with all the requests for Red Rosin Paper!! I've never heard of it, but it looks intriguing - looking forward very much to seeing what you do with it. It must be strong if it needs electric scissors to cut it. I adore your rocking horse pictures! We have a friend who used to make rocking horses for a living and they were absolutely beautiful. They are such fun! Thanks for popping over to my blog this week. Sheba is the name I have given to my Black Cat Cougar cutting machine. The small butterflies did not cut well but I am learning all the time, and the larger ones were fine. I shall be making them up into a project soon. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #35

  56. I love the electric scissors! They look like a great tool to have!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. 1-800-Flowers is supposed to come through and deliver my flowers today, and they refunded all of my boyfriend's money, so its a free Valentine's gift, if you don't count the drama, phone calls and tears from yesterday. But, the flowers haven't come yet, so I'm trying not to be too excited!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Katie #21

  57. Talk about neat and I love your cat!

  58. I wander what you are going to do with the paper,I'm intruiged!
    you will have to get that new curtain dirty soon you know!!
    janet #59

  59. You have certainly got us all curious about rosin paper. Those scissors look really useful - probably handy for folks with arthritic joints as scissor use can be tiresome. x Jo

  60. Cooooool scissors and CUTE cat!!!
    Thanks for letting me snoop on your desk today!!!!! Will follow you and keep sneeking a peak!
    Happy WOYWW!!
    Lisa xxx

  61. Wow amazingly neat. I love all the rocking horses how cute!

  62. Wow just been catching up with your posts, desk looks really neat, I have never seen electric scissors before lol and not sure about the roll you talk about. The tea light pics are amazing and I can't believe I have not been around to see you are doing a class, I have just been reading it, I'm seriously considering on having a go as I really would like to do an altered journal book. Hope your well and happy woyww :-) Kezzy x p.s the rocking horse frames are beautiful.

  63. There is nothing you don't know about is there dear Elizabeth? Rosin paper, cutting in the paint..amazing! I think the scissor(s) a brilliant thing...I wonder how many people will be trying them now! I hope the earlier posting is a help...shame I cant help with the commenting thing...doesn't it drive you nuts sometimes!!

  64. I think your panelling shows off the rocking horses just perfectly. A bit like an ansestral house. hugs Mrs A.

  65. Cant wait to see what you produce with that rosin paper
    Bridget #53

  66. Will google the roisin have my interest piqued...

    thanks for the idea of the electric scissors...I have arthritis and they would certainly save on taxing my hands. Thanks for the tips! have fun with your book class.

  67. hi there, I'm #170. Your project sound interesting. Would love to see the outcome. Have a great and creative day tomorrow.

  68. Hmmm...will have to go see if you posted your project yet. You have horsey's everywhere girl!

  69. I didn't even know that there was such a thing as electric scissors! Intriguing!

  70. I have seen roisin paper, and often wondered if I would use it if I bought some.

    Love your rocking horse photos. I usually think of horses on the Merry Go Round, but never thought about anyone finding photos of rocking horses. Too cool!


  71. Crikey, I haven't seen electric scissors for years!

  72. I'm not sure what rosin paper is. Love the rocking horses.

  73. Isn't it amazing what we find to use for crafts in unlikely places? Looking forward to seeing what you do with it, Love Shaz

  74. Never heard of the paper, but I look forward to seeing what you create with it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  75. Electric scissors? I have to get me one of those, sounds like fun!
    Happy belated WOYWW.

  76. love seeing your wall of rocking horses. i have always collected teddy bears and also have a wall with teddy stuff.

  77. not been over to visit for ages so thought i would pop in and say hi


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