
Saturday, February 18, 2012

News and new to this blog

I suspect that some of you have seen the Linky Follower on my left sidebar where you can sign up to follow me now that Google is getting rid of its follower service sometime in the future. I understand that those who are NOT on Blogger will be affected first, then Blogger members will be affected sometime down the line.

Now I don't really care for this Linky thing because you have to go to the Linky Follower site each time you change posts. And I change daily! I have enough trouble linking at my challenge blogs: CED on Monday morning (EST), Kimmie's for Tea Tuesday, Julia for WOYWWednesday, and Inspiration Avenue, which I choose to post on Friday. In between, I have three days to post other interests, such as Silent Sunday.

So, why would I be willing or find time to change the Linky thing each day? And you can't use your blog URL or individual post URL, like you can when linking up to Mr. Linky and other links like Mr. L. I promise to continue to keep the Linky Followers on my sidebar, but I will only update the blog link each week on Monday when I post my Altered Book class, or other CED related post. If that prevents you from visiting me, I apologize. I just don't get the hang of Linky Follower yet, I guess, although I understand they don't have any way to update anything through their software.

On a brighter note, I was stalking visiting Seth Apter's blog and saw he has received an advance copy of his book "The Pulse of Mixed Media." I saw a link to Amazon, where I could look inside the book.

Lo and behold, Bleubeard and I are part of this collaboration. I know a lot of people ask, including Seth, why I use the name Bleubeard and Elizabeth. There are SO many Elizabeths on the internet and many of them just use their first name when linking to a post. By including Bleubeard as part of my blog ICON and icon name, I set myself apart from others. It may sound silly, and it may be in vain if one of us gets run over by a truck, but until then, both Bleubeard and I will dance in the street (as long as there are no trucks present) for seeing our names in print. BTW, this book is available for pre-order at several internet sites. See Seth's blog for details.

And finally, a tidbit for you to ponder. I have seen this UIU at various sites this year. I almost clicked to learn more about it, but felt I could use things up on my own, and if for some reason, I had to buy something, I wouldn't feel guilty about it in the event I was being monitored by the UIU police (grin).

OK, in all seriousness, I agree with the concept, but never decided to join the blog. I guess I'm a bit discrete when it comes to joining collaborations (she says now that WOYWW has grown to nearly 200 blogs each week). Of course, those collaborations have all proven good for my blog and good for me, such as Julia at WOYWW, who is a big advocate of my AB class, and Seth, who knows how to get collaborations into print.

Possibly NOT the kind of print some of you were thinking when you put that link on your sidebar. I found this image in one of my monthly trade magazines and thought I would share. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Plagiarism or public domain photo?

UPDATE: Claire, with paint in her hair, pointed out that the image was a stock photo in the public domain. When I did an internet search, I found it on several internet sites, including Photobucket. These images were free, although a few web sites wanted a fee for the same image. Thanks for the info, Claire.

I hope you are having a great weekend, and if you live in the States, have a lovely three day holiday.


  1. WOW "E" congrats ... you are amazing and know the world will know ....

  2. Happy to see you are included in the book. I'll have to see if I can find it. As for the Linky stuff, it gives me a headache.


  3. I'm so excited for you Elizabeth!! I pre-ordered my book months ago--now I'm just waiting for it!

  4. Congratulations on being in the book!

    The image is a public domain stock image, easy to find if you google raised hands image.

  5. Congrats! So exciting that you are included!! I'm going to have to take a good look at that book. :)
    I hope our library gets it into the collection.

  6. Congratulations on being in Seth's book, I think it will be quite awesome and very inspiring to read it.

  7. Congrats on being in Seth's book. I've ordered my copy but wont get until April. I can hardly wait.

  8. I'm looking for the book. Perhaps Bleubeard and you can autograph it someday. Yes, I'm sticking my arm up myself but not publicly. I'm also following you however things turn out!

  9. So happy that both you and Bleubeard are a part of my book! Thanks to you both!!

  10. Congrats on being in Seth's book Elizabeth!

    I'm following you on Linky Followers and I hope you'll join me there as well (even if you haven't gotten the hang of it yet)!

    Here's my take on it. Change is painful, no matter how you slice it, but LF gives those of us who want/need a way to follow and categorize our favorite blogs a way to do so for free on OUR terms. Unlike Google, Linky Followers is NOT requiring us to divulge personal information and using it for their own purposes. They are NOT trying to manipulate us into joining Google Plus. They are NOT tying our website/blog rankings in the search engines to whether or not we play by their rules - ie, we cave in to their G+ demands. They are providing a service that bloggers requested and I suspect/hope that their capabilities will grow over time.

    So, even though they are not a perfect replacement for GFC, I am pleased to support them! :-)


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.