
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Tea

I think Kimmie, our fabulous link keeper, and most of my tea friends who live in the northern hemisphere would agree there isn't a lot of green to see lately, especially this last week in February. Yesterday, while grocery shopping, I picked up some greens. No, not those kinds of greens, but a pear and an avocado. Actually, I picked up several of both. I was so hungry for this combination, that I immediately came home and made some green tea from China called "Lung Ching Dragon Well," and enjoyed it with my "greens."

Yesterday's lunch was at my dining room table. I was pleased with this combination, to which I added some Chinese Cream Crackers from the Oriental market. I ate every bit of my meal while sipping this delicate green tea.

I truly adore winter pears. They are the best and filled with dietary fiber, as well as Vitamins C and K. And avocados are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits, especially for persons with problems involving arthritis. So greens truly are possible, as well as healthy, even though it is "sort of" winter in my part of the country. I hope you have a green (or even green tea) kind of Tea Tuesday.

Tonight my friend Sally and I are going to a new steak house. Her idea, of course. Not the best choice for a vegetarian like myself who is trying to eat healthy this year. Let's just hope I can stay away from the very fattening and artery clogging french fries I love to eat when I go to one of these places.


  1. restaurants are luckily getting better and better at serving fresh, healthy food. Let's hope you're in luck =)

  2. Your lunch looks perfectly lovely to me Elizabeth...I am a greens fan ... very good to know about the avocados too!

    turns out I am not a fan of green tea...I have tried it and tried and well ...

    my list of foods and drinks I do not enjoy is pretty short, so no worries I guess!

    I haven't eaten red meat since the 70's but must admit that the smell of steak on the grill always smells good until I think about 'chewing' it LOL

    Enjoy * Enjoy and Happy T on Tuesday to ya!

  3. The avocado/pear combo has never occurred to me but I like both so why not? I'm drinking a new to me pomegranate green tea this morning. I find it kind of weak in flavor and I certainly let it steep long enough.


  4. i love avocados and pears but hadn't thought of eating them together. i'll give this a try. have you ever tried sweet potatoe fries? they are yummy. enjoy your dinner; i'm sure there will be great choices for you.


  5. Hi Elizabeth, I love avocados. I eat them just about every day, when I can find decent ones, that is. Just picked up 4 today that should be ripe very soon. Yum! A little salt is all they need. But sometimes I mash them with some cumin powder and lemon juice and eat it on Wasa Flatbreads. I see we both had the same idea about posting the benefits of foods. Mine is about mushrooms today. I'm vegetarian, too. I bet you could find a good risotto at that restaurant. I am loving risotto at the moment. Especially mushroom risotto. Delish! Have a great day. Tammy

  6. What a wonderful lunch. Seems many of us tea bloggers are mentioning the health benefits of our tea and/ or the food we are eating. Guess it's because of the winter time sick thing. I love avocados and we make guacamole from them a lot.

  7. looks delish! happy t day, E!

  8. I love avocados! I cut them in half and put salad dressing in the hollow part where the pit was and then scoop it out with a spoon - yum! I had no idea about the anti-inflammatory part though - that's a real bonus! your greens are perfect for a February day :)

    happy tuesday - and thank you as always for your contribution!!!!

  9. my parents used to have an avocado farm so we used to eat them by the bucketload... not so much now we have to pay for them, but they are wonderful for you, and I am in a green tea mood today and have been having green tea with jasmine and pear... absolutely perfect on this ridiculously hot last day of summer....xx

  10. I never fail to learn something useful when I visit you!! I love avocados (and had one in my salad for dinner tonight) but never knew they were a benefit to arthritis sufferers!! I will buy more of them from now on... my aged bones creak and give me grief all the time... your lovely lunch with tea looks very fresh and tasty!!

    Your parcel should be halfway to you by now... hopefully!! It's been a week in the travelling time but we both know that the mail service seems to think that Canada and the US are not joined in any form and one is near China...

  11. Not a fan of pears but they are a fun shape. Avocados are more to my liking. :)
    Day late for tea. My day never turned out as planned. And now today the kids get a snow day.

  12. Ack a tornado! hope everything is ok! Love the kitty pictures and all the books!. The box is made from plain old card stock and then painted in a particular way! feels like leather when your done too, its ace.

  13. Looks like a great lunch. Most green is healthy. Keep it up.

    Green tea


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