
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snowman tea

It may be a bit chilly, but it's not snowing this morning. However, I was struck by how similar

my snowman mug is to the collage I have just started in my craft room. Thanks to being inspired by the stencil that reminds me of snowflakes, I have started the background for my most recent paper collage, that I originally was going to make into a quiltlet with fabric (like the snowman's material). I decided instead to continue working with watercolor paper, instead of fabric this week.

My tea today is Orange Grapefruit, an herbal blend from Germany that I got from the Spice Merchant, where I buy all my favorite loose leaf teas. And don't forget to visit Kimmie and the rest of my tea (and other drinks) friends to see what their weather is like this Tea Tuesday.

On a scary note, after downloading these photos from my camera, then going back to remove them using PS, I can no longer find any of my computer drives, other than my OS drive. Not sure how to proceed, but I take it I won't be taking or downloading any photos off my camera for awhile. I just hope it isn't some weird computer virus I managed to catch.


  1. Cute snowmen!!! Your previous post reminded me I had signed up for those free classes and have yet to check them out!!
    Drop by for tea, if you get a chance!

  2. I LOVE your snowman- the background is a perfect choice here! Happy Tuesday- enjoy your tea and try to stay warm!

  3. Love the snowman. There is a snowman quilt up now at the Conner show. Everyone different. Love anything snowman. :) Happy tea day.

  4. I love your snowman collage. So adorable ! And definitely does match that cute mug. Orange grapefruit sounds yummy! Haven't come across that one before. Hope your computer issues get sorted out. Best wishes, Tammy

  5. Oh no, hope no the snowman, just happy winter to me. xox Corrine

  6. Snow what is that, 77 today and gorgeous with threats to this bliss on the weatherman's lips!

  7. What!!!! Hope you've sorted out your computer woes! Every time I have one of those weird problems I ask my husband or son to help me! I'm a total klutz with the computer! Your snowman is super cute! Didn't know you did cute! Your softy side is showing! I like it! :^) A wonderfully blessed new year to you! Patsy from

  8. Your snowmen are so happy! I love the doily background with red and blue! and your orange grapefruit tea sounds divine!!! I certainly do hope you didn't "catch" a virus too! you've had more than your share of computer woes! fingers crossed for you!

    Happy Tuesday and stay warm!

  9. Well how lovely and cheerful is he! Hard to believe that you're suffering real cold now after that incredibly long summer...we've had the last three days of freezing sunshine, but that's been about's all strange! I am so sorry not to have been around much..a MASSIVE WOYWW meant no blog commenting other than that, and my beloved father has been in hospital (scheduled)and that has meant extra support for Mama, she's showing signs of dementia which are really exaggerated when she's stressed, so have ben spending lovely sweet memory filed days with her. SHe tried to teach me to knit. Again. It didn't work, again! I hope the drive situation is easy to resolve..I wouldn't begin to understand, you're so far ahead of me with this stuff. If we don't see you tomorrow, I'll come back to sympathise!

  10. cute little guy ... and the tea looks yummy

  11. ooo i love your snowman! that is one thing i collect for my son, snowmen...i LOVE your rocking horse collection, wish i'd thought of that one!!


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