
Monday, December 2, 2024

Second on the 2nd


This post is for Second on the 2nd, only.  If your Second on the 2nd and your T post are the same, PLEASE add it both places.

As most of you know, I like my Second Look to somehow reflect what our current host at Art Journal Journey is featuring.  That means, since Sharon has chosen Snow, I am also sharing from November, 2021. 

  "Let it snow" was for an AJJ challenge in November, 2021.  The entire post can be found here.

For the past three years I have joined Michelle of RaspberryBlueSky and Tamara of MaraKreativStudio and their Art Journal Advent Calendar.  I plan to play again this year.  They post to Instagram.  I do not.  I thought I would show two of my favorite pages from 2022.



Now it's time to share your own Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit.  If your T Stands For Tuesday post is the same as your Second on the 2nd, please share it both places.  This is for Second on the 2nd, only.  






  1. This is fun - and how I would love to have that sort of balance. Sadly it is in my dreams...

  2. J'aime beaucoup ces collages. Leur simplicité émeut ce qui demeure d'enfance en moi.

  3. My favorite is the trees through the window with the pretty lace curtain valence

  4. ...enjoy this magical season.

  5. Loving those sweet snow people!

  6. These are beautiful! Do keep sharing them here please!

  7. Nice.
    Wishing you happy December days.

    All the best Jan

  8. These are lovely views of snow. I really like the one with the trees and the lace curtain-or at least it looks like a curtain.And who doesn't love a snowman? I hope you've had a super Monday and Dec. 2. I'll be by for T day soon. hugs-Erika


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.